Matthew 19:26 What may be impossible with man, is completely possible with GOD

Off-Frame Modular Home Payments are Less than Mobile Home Payments, Here’s How.

payments for modular homes vs mobile

Mobile Home Payments vs Modular Home Payments

Many people believe that they have to buy a mobile home to keep their payments low. When comparing mobile homes and a Custom Built Off Frame Modular Home, that could not be further from the truth. As many of our customers have found out, an $80,000.00 mobile home can very easily have a HIGHER payment, than a $150,000.00 Custom Built Off-Frame Modular Home.

Lower Interest Rates for Modular Homes

One reasons for that is that most banks charge higher interest rates on mobile homes than Off Frame Modular Homes. A perfect example would be an $80,000.00 mobile home at a 10% interest rate versus a $150,000.00 Custom Built Off-Frame Modular Home at a 3.5% interest rate. Both homes would have approximately the same payment.

Lower Insurance Premiums

Another reason is that most insurance companies charge higher premiums on mobile homes than they do on a Custom Built Off-Frame Modular Home.

Lower Taxes

Finally taxes. Mobile Homes are taxed as personal property because they come with a title just like a car. Custom Built Off-Frame Modular Homes are taxed as real estate just like any other site built home.

Now we all know a Custom Built Off-Frame Modular Home exceeds mobile home quality of construction, so WHY would you ever buy a mobile home of lower quality, when you can own a Custom Built Off Frame Modular Home for the same monthly payment???

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